
Dr. Christina Glick

Dr. Christina Glick is a neonatologist who has had a career long interest in human milk diet for premature infants and breastfeeding for all babies. The benefits of breastfeeding are becoming more apparent with recent scientific inquiry.    She completed her medical degree and pediatric residency at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, and her postdoctoral neonatal fellowship at the Texas Medical Center, the University of Texas Health  Sciences.  She has practiced neonatal intensive care throughout her career until January 2015. She was dedicated to incorporation of the principles of family-centered care into her practice, including advocacy for breastfeeding for all infants.  She became an international board certified lactation consultant  in 2008 and has been an outspoken advocate for the immediate and  long-term benefits of an exclusive human milk diet for extremely low birth weight infants and for the lifelong benefits of breastfeeding for all infants.  Upon retirement from her intensive care practice, she, in partnership with her son, Michael Puckett, opened a free-standing breastfeeding clinic, Mississippi Lactation Services, in order to continue and expand her advocacy efforts for the many benefits of breastfeeding.


Megan Glenn

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